Attendance and Absence
At Kingsway Primary, we recognise the importance of regular attendance. The overall level of attendance that we aim to achieve is 100%. Ideally, there should be no unauthorised absence.
All pupils should attend school for every session that is available to them, unless the reason for their absence is one that meets the school’s criteria for authorising absences, e.g. illness, non-routine medical/dental appointments, religious observance, educational visits and another unavoidable cause.
School starts @ 8.45am and finishes @ 3.15pm. Please ensure your children are in school on time ready to start learning.
Legal Duty as a Parent
The parent of any child at Kingsway has a legal duty to secure the regular attendance of that child. Failure to secure the regular attendance at school of a registered pupil is a criminal offence which can lead to prosecution of the parent(s) in a magistrates’ court.
Gloucestershire Local Authority have produced helpful information on School Attendance for parents and cares which is available on their website – Why is school attendance important
Holidays During Term-Time
With effect from the 1st September 2013, the Department for Education changed the legislation about children’s absence from school. The legislation makes it clear that more affordable holidays are not exceptional circumstances.
Headteachers have the discretion to authorise holiday during term-time in exceptional circumstances. The school’s Attendance Policy makes clear that the requirement for exceptional circumstances means that the vast majority of requests will be refused and, if the holiday is taken anyway, this will constitute unauthorised absence which may result in the issue of a penalty notice to each parent in respect of each absent child.
Parents are requested at all times to contact the school office to discuss any absence from school.
What can you do to help with your child’s attendance?
- Take an interest in your child’s education.
- Ask them about their day and praise and encourage their achievements at school.
- If your child is missing school or is seemingly unhappy, you should discuss your concerns with your child.
- Make sure your child understands that you do not approve of them missing school, but be on the alert for any particular reasons for non-attendance, such as bullying or problems with school work.
- Contact the school as soon as possible when a concern is identified so that you can work with them to resolve any difficulties.
- Be willing to engage with any support offered by the school or Gloucestershire County Council Support Services.
- Make sure your child arrives at school on time for both the morning and afternoon sessions.
- If your child is ill or absent for any other reason, contact the school on the first day of absence.
- Follow the school’s procedures for notifying absence, and always let the school know of any days that your child is unable to attend.