School Clubs

After School Clubs

How do I enroll my child in a club?
If your child wishes to enroll in any of these clubs, you must complete and return this booking form ASAP. (One booking form is required per child).

Historically, clubs are usually extremely popular and so your form will need to be in the day following its issue to secure the clubs of your choice. If your child wishes to enrol in any of these clubs, you must complete and return this booking form ASAP. One booking form is required per child.

Historically, clubs are usually extremely popular and so your form will need to be in the day following its issue to secure the clubs of your choice.

Will my child get all the clubs they select?
We will endeavor to place pupils in as many clubs as we can but we are often heavily oversubscribed so we will initially allocate 1 club then reallocate others if space is available. In the case of oversubscription, you child will be placed on a waiting list.

How long are clubs?
All clubs are on from 3.15 – 4.15pm.  Please collect your child promptly from the central playground at 4.15pm. The after school clubs that we offer are an optional extra for which the teachers give their time willingly. It is unfair to them if they are kept waiting by the late arrival of parents.  Parents who are late collecting their child will risk not being able to book their child into clubs in the future.

Where do I collect my child at the end of the session?
Only our gate by the office (Tesco side) is opened for clubs. Children (other than Y6) must be collected after their club, by an adult from the KS1 playground in the middle of the school.

Club Rules
Pupils will no longer be invited to attend clubs if:-

– They do not attend for 2 consecutive weeks (we are normally oversubscribed so we will offer the place to another pupil who is on the waiting list).
– The behavior of the child is an issue
– Or have parents who are systematically late to collect at 4.15pm.
They forget essential kit and are unsafe to participate.

What does my child have to wear?
The following clubs need a PE kit:

– Football (football boots or trainers, shin pads, joggers or shorts, T-shirt & sweatshirt).
– Netball, Hockey & Sports Hall Athletics (trainers, joggers, leggings or shorts, T-shirt & sweatshirt).
– Gymnastics (joggers, leggings or shorts and T-shirt or leotard).
– Forest School will need to bring in old clothes (Long sleeve top and trousers/joggers), a waterproof coat and wellington boots.

We are looking for other outside organisations that would be willing to come into school and provide clubs for the children. If you run anything yourself or know of anybody who may be interested please can you pass on the schools details.

Breakfast Club

Breakfast Club is a very popular club, which has continued to grow since it started in 2010. It is a great opportunity for children to settle into school before the day begins.

Breakfast club time: 8:00 – 8:45am
The children are provided with a range of fruit, cereal, toast options, fruit juice, milk or water.

Once the children have eaten their breakfast, there are a variety of different activities that the children can take part in, including: board games, skipping ropes, colouring and Lego.

Breakfast club costs £2 a day.

How to book and pay:
If you would like to book a place at breakfast club, please contact the school Admin Office, who will be happy to do this for you.

K Club

K Club is our after school child care facility, which enables children to stay at school between 3.15 and 5.30. Around 4.30 we provide a snack, which consists of toast, fruit or veg and a drink.

The costing structure is as follows:
– Option 1 – £5 per day per session: 3.15pm to 4.15pm or 4:15 – 5:30pm
– Option 2 – £10 per day for both sessions: 3.15pm to 5.30pm (snack & drink included).

During this time the children take part in a range of activities such as cooking, art, craft and circle games. Friday sessions are dedicated to completing homework, but opportunities are also given throughout the rest of the week.

How to Book and Pay:
Booking and Payments are now completed through ParentPay. If you are using K Club for the first time you will need to contact K Club so they can allow you access to K Club via ParentPay. Bookings and payments must be made by 6pm the day before you require a space for your child.

Before your child attends K Club, you will need to complete a form which can be obtained from the school office.

For more information about K Club, please contact the school office via