Reception Curriculum Overviews

Reception Curriculum Overviews

Our curriculum offer is guided by Development Matters 2021 and is designed to set firm foundations for the curriculum for the rest of the school. Curriculum areas have been sequenced carefully to ensure that learning is embedded over time. How this learning is sequenced depends on the curriculum content and the age and stage of children. In the reception year, some elements of the curriculum e.g. phonics, writing and maths are broken down into week by week content whilst with other areas of the curriculum e.g. aspects of physical development, the provision is adapted throughout the EYFS so that children are given the opportunity to develop skills over time.  

Language and reading are central to our curriculum offer and our EYFS curriculum is structured around stories, information texts and nursery rhymes/poetry. These texts have been carefully selected and sequenced across the settings to ensure that they support children’s vocabulary, personal and social development, language and knowledge and understanding of the world.  

Each of the overviews below demonstrates the learning that takes place around each key text and are produced every 2-3 weeks. Alongside these are ideas on how you can support your child at home.

Autumn Term 2024

Spring Term 2025

Summer Term 2025

  • Spring 1 – The Snail and the Whale
  • Spring 1 – What Ever Next…
  • Spring 2 – Superworm
  • Spring 2 – Somebody Swallowed Stanley
  • Summer 1 – Supertato
  • Summer 2 –