
Welcome to Mallard class

Teacher: Miss White
Teaching Partner: Miss Ostrowska and Miss Smith

Please ensure PE kit is in school everyday as we may use it for other outside sporting activities when the opportunity arises.

During Year 1, children move from following the EYFS (Early Years Foundation Stage) curriculum to the National Curriculum for Key Stage One. At Kingsway, we recognise that for children entering year 1, learning through play and practical activities are still a vital part of their development and and we have structured our learning environments to ensure the needs of all our learners are met. The children have a timetable which includes short whole class sessions, small group work and times where children can choose their own learning in ‘continuous provision’. As the children move through the year, the formal sessions do become longer but we still ensure that their is time for less structured activities. We always have adults planned to work with the children during their continuous provision so that they can challenge and move the children’s learning forward.

The learning environment.

The year 1 learning environments are planned so that children are  given the opportunities to access a wide range of resources and activities to develop their knowledge and skills within the year 1 curriculum both inside and outside. These may be enhanced weekly to further develop focus areas of learning.

The areas include:

  • A creative area. 
  • Writing area – writing opportunities are also available throughout the provision.
  • Maths area both inside and out – maths equipment is also available throughout the provision.
  • Role play areas both inside and out.
  • Construction and small world play.
  • Computers, tablets and beebots.
  • Reading areas both inside and out.
  • Messy play including a mud kitchen, sand, digging areas and water. 
  • Large scale construction.
  • Science areas based on current areas of learning. 

Recording children’s Learning

With so much learning going on throughout the day, it is impossible to capture every moment. However, we use the Tapestry app to document key moments in each child’s learning. This is linked to the curriculum and shared with parents who are able to comment on this if they wish to.